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Historical, Geographical & Social Understanding

Historical, geographical and social understanding fires learners’ curiosity and imagination about who we are, where we have come from, where we live and where we might be going next

Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding

It connects the past with the present and the future, helps learners make sense of our place in the world and is central to their development as informed, active and responsible citizens. This area of learning encourages learners to investigate the world around them, from The Bailiwick to the global. They learn about the impact of their actions on the planet and understand the importance of developing a future that is sustainable.

Through exploring cultures, beliefs, values, human rights and responsibilities, learners develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others, and a sense of belonging. They see how societies are organised and shaped by people’s values and actions, and how communities can live and work together. Learners learn about diversity and interdependence, fairness, justice and democracy. They begin to understand how events that happened in The Bailiwick and United Kingdom long ago or in other countries can affect our lives today and how our actions shape the future. 

History and Geography

Learners should build secure knowledge of the following:

  • How the present has been shaped by the past, through developing a sense of chronology, exploring change and continuity over time, and understanding why and where things happened
  • How and why places and environments develop, how they can be sustained and how they may change in the future.
  • How identities develop, what we have in common, what makes us different and how we organise ourselves and make decisions within communities
  • How people, communities and places are connected and can be interdependent at a range of scales.


Learners should build secure knowledge of the following:

  • Democracy and government
  • The role of law and justice
  • Forms of responsible activity, including environmental citizenship and volunteering
  • Skills to think critically, debate issues, manage their money and plan for future financial needs 


See how History & Geography fits into the overall curriculum