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Our Missions, Aims and Ethos

Learning together to be the best that we can be!

School Aims

Forest School works to provide a broad, balanced curriculum that meets the needs of each and every pupil.

We want our pupils to 'be the best they can be’ and become:

  • Confident Individuals
  • Successful Learners
  • Responsible Citizens
  • Effective Contributors

We want our children to achieve the outcomes set out by the Children’s and Young Peoples Plan to:

  • Be safe and nurtured
  • Be healthy and active
  • Achieve individual and economic potential
  • Be included and respected


This is achieved by:
✔ stimulating a love of lifelong learning by inspiring pupils, encouraging curiosity and interest,
and developing an enquiring mind
✔ developing pupils’ independence and positive attitudes to life
✔ fostering responsibility and respect for self, others and the environment, both in the local
community and in the wider world
✔ creating a happy, welcoming and stimulating environment which is safe, supportive and
accessible for all, where everyone is valued and treated with respect
✔ promoting mutually beneficial links between the school and the wider community
✔ providing a curriculum for all pupils which is relevant, inclusive, motivating, and which offers
✔ creating opportunities for success, which promote the development of the whole pupil,
offering learning opportunities at a physical, creative, social, spiritual, moral and emotional
✔ encouraging each other to ‘be the best we can be’ in all aspects of our work and behaviour.

Education Strategy on a Page

Our Education Strategy

The Education Strategy, which has been established by the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture, serves as a guiding compass for what the Bailiwick's education system needs to deliver.

This underpins our strategic development as a school.

Click on the link below to find out more about the Education Strategy.