What is Read Write Inc. Phonics?
Read Write Inc. Phonics is a literacy programme developed to help pupils learn to read. In the programme, pupils learn sounds and the letters that represent these sounds as well as how to form the letters. Then, they read books written using only the letters and sounds they have learnt (and a small number of separately taught 'red words'). This gives the pupils plenty of early success and builds up their reading confidence.
Phonics is taught daily from Reception to Year 2, systematically teaching all of the common sounds in the English language, helping pupils to recognise and segment the sounds and then blend them into words for reading. In doing so, pupils become fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers.
How will my child learn to read?
We start the systematic teaching of phonics throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage. The children learn to recognise the shape of letters and the sound they make. This is essential for reading, but it also helps children learn to spell well. We teach the children simple ways of remembering these sounds and letters. The books that they read at school (and reading books that are sent home) will only contain the sounds they’ve already learned, so pupils learn quickly and confidently.
First, pupils will learn to read:
• Set 1 Speed Sounds (sounds written with one letter): m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z x and sounds written with two letters (your child will call these ‘special friends’)*: sh th ch qu ng nk ck
• Words containing these sounds, by sound-blending, e.g. m–a–t mat, c–a–t cat, g–o–t got, f–i–sh fish, s– p–o–t spot, b–e–s–t best, s–p–l–a–sh splash
• At school, they will read Read Write Inc. Phonics Sound Blending Books and Red, Green and Purple Storybooks.
Whilst they are practising reading stories with words made up of Set 1 Speed Sounds, your child will also learn to read:
• Set 2 Speed Sounds: ay ee igh ow oo oo ar or air ir ou oy
• Words containing these sounds
• At school, they will read Read Write Inc. Phonics Pink, Orange and Yellow Storybooks.
Whilst they are practising reading stories with words made up of Set 1 and Set 2 Speed Sounds, a child will also learn to read:
• Set 3 Speed Sounds: ea oi a–e i–e o–e u–e aw are ur er ow ai oa er ire ear ure
• Words containing these sounds
• At school, they will read Read Write Inc. Phonics Blue and Grey Storybooks.
Within all of the books pupils will have red and green words to learn to help them to become speedy readers. Red words are words that are not easily decodable and challenge words to extend pupils’ vocabulary. Green words are linked to the sounds they have been learning and are easily decodable.
Dots and dashes represent the sound each letter makes. Once a child has been introduced and taught these words in school we will send them home for parents and carers to continue practising with their child.