These terms and conditions have been made in accordance with Guernsey legislation and regulations.
In these terms the following terminology applies. Any reference made to ’Forest Primary School’ ‘Forest' , ‘us’, ‘we’, ‘our’ means “Forest Primary School'', whose registered address is at Rue Des Landes, Forest, Guernsey, GY8 0HF, Channel Islands. Any reference to ‘you’, ‘your’, ‘user’ means the person visiting our website and you hereby accept our terms and conditions. Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalisation, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to the same.
These terms and conditions will take effect upon your first visit, and your use of the site means that you accept these terms and conditions. As the site’s owner, Forest Primary School reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any point, so please read them carefully and check them regularly.
In relation to any other terms stated on this website which are in conflict with the terms found here, then the latter shall prevail.
The Site
Forest Primary School website has been developed taking every precaution to ensure the information and content held on this website is accurate, legally correct and ethical at the time of appearance. Although care has been taken in preparing the information and content contained on this website it is general information. Therefore, we recommend users also seek alternative professional advice where appropriate and where necessary contact us for more information.
So far as permitted by law, Forest Primary School accepts no liability for loss or damage, including but not limited to personal injury, resulting from the use of this website. While we make and have made all reasonable efforts to ensure no malware or viruses are transmitted via our website, this cannot be guaranteed. Forest Primary School will not accept liability from damage caused by viruses or malware or by any other means, and recommends that users safeguard their IT equipment before downloading information and using this website. We clarify that the content of this website is aimed at adults in Guernsey.
Unauthorised access
Any hacking into this website for the purpose of adding to or altering the content of the website or tampering, or sending unsolicited deliverables (e.g. spam, data packets), or transmitting any offensive or illegal content, and interfering with the general working of the site is illegal and unethical. Using our logos, images and information. You may not use the Vale logos without our prior consent. To apply for permission please contact us. Vale Primary School reserves the right to require materials and logos to be removed from use if we believe it is not in our school’s interest.
Our leaflets and brochures and our webpages can be printed, copied and used for private use, study or teaching purposes; however no modification may be made to the content. They may not be used for commercial, public or any other purposes without the consent of Vale Primary school.
There may be various information, materials or photos on our website that may be the property of another copyright owner, they are used on our website with their permission, and must not be used without their consent.
You must obtain permission from Forest Primary School to include any links to our website. This can be requested by emailing Forest Primary school reserves the right to require links to be removed if we believe it is not in our school’s interest.